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Denis Nazin

Ball Magic


Ball Magic
Denis Nazin, May 19, 2024
JojoIII, EL797, Ago and 5 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      Please read:

      Victory is out of reach. But there is a yellow magic ball. But this ball is absolutely useless unless you perform a magical Meko ritual on this ball. The magic ritual can only be performed at one place on the level
      A magical ritual can only be performed while standing on a red brick!
      The yellow magic ball should only be pushed after the magic ritual!
      After this, you just need to wait a little and a miracle will happen. Good luck!

      Time - 2:10
      If you understand what you need to do, the level is very easy and without TRICKS!
      I really hope that the final mechanism will work well. I worked for a very long time on its stability. But still I am afraid that this is not 100 percent. Testing was successful. I hope everything works well for you too
    • cimarronline
      As you probably know, any level with that yellow ball can't be played on the iOS version of Mekorama, since the ball just flies away. But it can be played online (using the yellow play button at the top).
    • Denis Nazin
      Oh, thank you very much my friend;):thumbsup:! I completely forgot about it.:confused::confused:
      Therefore, for everyone who plays on a tablet, I made a regular version, without the yellow ball!!;)
    • cimarronline
      @Denis Nazin It's not tablets, it's Apple devices. Any Apple device, phone or tablet (iphone, ipad), won't work with that ball. There are slight differences between the app for Apple devices and the app for android devices.
    • Jóh
      Hello. I really liked your level. I think these new pieces are opening up several possibilities for the game. But I wonder what mechanism is this used? Where are these things made? Is this method safe? Because when I think everything in mekorama has already been explored, you appear with these new features. Congratulations on reinventing the game.
    • Rating:
      Yes. It's five stars. Thanks.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I understand nothing of this ritual. That's why it's a ritual, and not a protocol. :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Wow, what a lightning... An amazing level... :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
    • Denis Nazin
      @Jóh In fact, there is much less magic here than it seems. And if you understand the principle of operation of these magical effects, then everything becomes absolutely clear and there is no magic, it’s just mekorama physics. The only thing magical here is the yellow ball, but it has nothing to do with the effects that are involved here. The yellow ball is for show or spectacle only. You can verify this by playing a regular card without a yellow ball.
      Regarding the effects that are used here, I will definitely create a demonstration and collect links to explain to you. But for this I need some time. I will do it and I will definitely explain everything to you.;)

      please wait for continuation...
    • Denis Nazin
      @cimarronline Oh, thank you so much again my friend!! You explained to me something I didn't know. I used to think that this only applies to tablets. But now I understand what you mean - it's not the device, but the software. This means that all Apple gadgets may react incorrectly to a yellow ball - this is bad. I did not know that. Thank you.
      So I did the right thing by adding an additional card without a yellow ball;):thumbsup:
    • Jóh
      @Denis Nazin Thanks. But now I understand how it works. It's like magic, it takes attention away from the main object with something spectacular. In the case of your level, what takes our attention is the lightning.
    • Denis Nazin
      and @cimarronline @Block builder @RonaldN
      I completely disassembled the level and left only the most important. This is the mechanism of how the effect is obtained.
      1) The most difficult thing is to make a long zipper. To do this, you need to build a very large body of the R (or L) bot, so that the place from which the B bot can strike lightning is as effective and spectacular as possible. Therefore, the center of weight (body) of the large structure of the bot R should be in the area of the red brick. To do this you need to build a lot of iron blocks on the opposite side. This entire structure is the body of the bot R. Lightning always strikes the eye. That's why lightning strikes the eye from the red brick.

      2) Of course, the secret of the ball lies in the second win block, which is hidden below. But!!! The most important secret of the mechanism of this level is why the ball cannot lead to victory without lightning?!!! The ball sets the mechanism in motion. But the win block is triggered only after the large body R is struck or struck by lightning.
      The secret is very simple:
      These are the legs of a dead R bot!!!
      When a win block passes under the feet of a living R bot, the win block does not fire. BUT! A dead R bot has legs that have a physical shape and can affect the win block! It's strange, but it's true. It is this feature of mekorama physics that I use at this level for magic. The ball has nothing to do with it - it's for show. The base is the legs of a dead R bot.

      Here is a level map in a completely disassembled form. You can try pushing the ball without zipper and with zipper:


      Logo likes this.
    • Jóh
      @Denis Nazin Thank you friend for the time and work to explain the mechanism
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